Pastor Jarrard and Deanna Galbreath

Jarrard “Jay” Galbreath is a pastor, a devoted husband, a loving father and leader groomed by his predecessor, Dr. Wayne E. Anderson. His passion has been and remains focused on service while seizing every opportunity to serve God, his family, his church and community. Pastor Jay’s spiritual journey intertwines seamlessly with his diverse background. Having served in the Air Force, he brings a wealth of leadership experience and a deep sense of duty to his pastoral role. During his military career, he cultivated values of integrity and service, which now form the bedrock of his ministry. Pastor Galbreath has been blessed to minister the gospel all over the world to include Bosnia, Turkey, Korea and of course, across the United States. He has truly been well equipped to lead this generation with unwavering faith. He holds a Bachelors in Business from Tennessee State University and a Masters in Public Administration from Troy State University. At the heart of his life is his loving family. Pastor Jay is blessed with a graceful and supportive wife, Deanna, and three vibrant triplet daughters, Jaianna, Jayla and Jaslyn who add joy and a sense of shared purpose to his pastoral mission. Together, they form a close-knit family dedicated to the values of love, faith, and community building. As the new shepherd of the City of Refuge Christian Church, Pastor Jay's multifaceted background and familial warmth create an environment for a vibrant and epic spiritual community where you have a right to be free and be who God created you to be!
Honoring Our Founding Pastor, Dr. Wayne E. Anderson
On January 14, 2024, we bid farewell to our beloved Apostle, Dr. Wayne E. Anderson, who lived a fulfilling 69 years. As we honor his remarkable journey, we pay tribute to the memory of this devoted husband, father, grandfather, and friend.
In 1980, Dr. Anderson established the City of Refuge Christian Church of Hawaii in a warehouse in Waipahu, later moving the ministry to the Waipahu Theater in 1985, where he continued to serve as pastor until his passing in January 2024. Dr. Wayne E. Anderson confidently served in all five ministry roles - Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher, and Evangelist. He fearlessly preached the gospel with passion and conviction, resulting in people being saved, healed, delivered, and set free. His expansive ministry was marked by uncompromising boldness and truth, which strengthened the faith of his listeners, transformed lives, and witnessed miracles. Dr. Anderson has completed his race and is resting with the Father.